Keynote speakers
Professor Elaine Mardis, PhD
Co-Executive Director, Institute for Genomic Medicine at Nationwide Children's Hospital
Professor Neil Sebire
Professor of Pathology GOSH UCL and Chief Research Information Officer (CRIO), Director of the GOSH Clinical Informatics Research Programme
Professor Gary L. Freed MD, MPH
Percy and Mary Murphy Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Health Management and Policy, Director, Program on Equity for Adolescent and Child Health (PEACH), Director, Michigan Child Health Equity Collaborative (MI-CHEC)
Dr Kim Sutherland
Executive Director, Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Health
A/Prof Greg Arndt
Head of Drug Discovery, Drug Discovery Centre, THerapeutic INnovations for Kids (THINK), Conjoint Associate Professor, School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW Medicine
Ms Tiffany Boughtwood
Managing Director, Australian Genomics
Prof Jennifer Byrne
Director of Biobanking, NSW Health
A/Prof Mark Cowley
Deputy Director, Enabling Platforms & Collaboration and Group Leader, Children’s Cancer Institute
A/Prof Paul Ekert
Deputy Director, Research Themes and Group Leader, Children’s Cancer Institute
A/Prof Wendy Gold
Head, Molecular Neurobiology Research Group, Kids Neuroscience Centre, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, Adjunct Research Scientist, Children’s Medical Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, School of Medical Sciences The University of Sydney
A/Prof Anai Gonzalez-Cordero
Group Leader Stem Cell Medicine and Head of the Stem Cell & Organoid Facility, Children’s Medical Research Institute
A/Prof Kate Hetherington
Post-doctoral Research Fellow/Clinical Psychologist School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW, Sydney, Australia. Team Leader Ethics and Genetics, Behavioural Sciences Unit, Kids Cancer Centre, Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick
Prof Adam Jaffe
Paediatric Respiratory Consultant Sydney Children’s Hospital and the John Beveridge Professor and Head of Paediatrics and Child Health UNSW Sydney.
Dr Warren Kaplan
The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)
A/Prof Leszek Lisowski
Unit Head, Translational Vectorology Unit, Children’s Medical Research Institute
Prof Raghu Lingam
Professor in Paediatric Population and Health Services Research UNSW Sydney, Honorary Professor of Population Child Health at Kings College London and the Black Dog Institute (NSW), Consultant Community Paediatrician Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.
A/Prof Grant Logan
Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney Medical School Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Dr Michelle Lorentzos
Paediatric Neurologist, Clinical Trials Medical Lead, Head of Neurogenetics Service
Mrs Emma Maly
Parent Advocate
Dr Emily Mould
Children’s Cancer Institute
Prof Natasha Nassar
Chair in Translational Childhood Medicine, Financial Markets Foundation for Children, The University of Sydney
Anne O’Neill
Director, Enterprise, International Partnerships and Clinical Trials, NSW Health
Dr Katarina Ostojic
Research Fellow, The University of Sydney & Adjunct Associate Lecturer, UNSW Sydney
Dr (Elizabeth) Emma Palmer
Clinical Geneticist, Sydney Children's Hospitals Network Randwick, Clinical Senior Lecturer, School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW Medicine & Health Randwick Clinical Campus Discipline of Paediatrics

Ms Kris Pierce
Director Child Unlimited

Prof Tom Snelling
Director of the Health and Clinical Analytics, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Prof Ian Street
Director, THerapeutic INnovations for Kids (THINK), Children’s Cancer Institute

Josh Studdert
Children’s Medical Research Institute

Dr Gabor Tax
Research Officer in the Translational Drug Testing and Pharmacogenomics Children's Cancer Institute, Conjoint Lecturer in the School of Medicine, UNSW.

Prof Claire Wakefield
Behavioural Sciences Unit, Kids Cancer Centre, Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick

Dr Shafagh Waters
Scientia Senior Lecturer at UNSW Sydney, Honorary Senior Scientist Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick

Prof Sue Woolfenden
Director of Community Paediatrics, Sydney Local Health District, Professor of Community Paediatrics, Central Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, the Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Co-chair Sydney Institute Women, Children and their Families

A/Prof Antoine de Weck
Group Leader Computational Drug Discovery Biology Group, Children’s Cancer Institute